Sin’s darkness retreats when Christ’s light is revealed. To comprehend means to "grasp mentally; understand; to grasp the nature, significance, or meaning of" in other words the darkness doesn't grasp the importance of walking in the light of Christ...but we do.
Let your light shine so darkness has no choice but to flee. Let your light shine so that those who try to do you harm are left confused on why their darkness cannot touch or harm you. Let your light shine so that others who are still trying to find their way, can come toward your light and get their own understanding on what God has in store for them. Let your light shine for all to see what God has done for you and how He brought you out of darkness. Just let your light shine.
We're here to listen, offer support, and provide resources you need. If you're seeking guidance, friendship, or just a chat, our community is ready to welcome you with open arms. Drop us a message and let's walk this path together.